
Joe has worked as a trainer in computer literacy as far back as 1996, more recently giving presentations on Drupal, WordPress, and JavaScript in Los Angeles and the surrounding area at conferences and via local meetup groups like LA Drupal, Advanced WordPress LA, SoCalWP. He enjoys teaching quite a bit. If you're interested in learning more about software of nearly any kind, or other aspects of working on the internet, please get in touch.

If you would like to learn about WordPress, Drupal, or JavaScript, you need go no further. Joe has many training videos available with (and LinkedIn Learning), O'Reilly, PeachPit, and video2brain. Each one is several hours of high-quality video training, and on the page for each course, you'll find several free sample videos from each one!

If you're a member of or a subscriber on, you'll see many of these courses already available in their training libraries. Courses on are exclusively available there, with others available here as direct downloads. If you'd like to buy a DVD of Introducing WordPress, you can do that direct from PeachPit, or from nearly any bookseller.

Do you have a suggestion for a course you'd like to see? We're always looking for ideas, so do let us know!

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