WordPress Course - Additional sample file
In my introductory WordPress course, in first video on WordPress security tweaks (the third video of the third chapter — it's one you need to have bought the course to see), there is some sample Apache configuration shown which is not included in the course files. This was an oversight on my part; we tried to provide everything you would need to save re-typing errors, and this one slipped through the cracks. Thanks to a viewer who took the time to report the issue, I can correct it.
Here is a sample .htaccess file, for making some configuration tweaks to the Apache web server. You'll probably want the full course for this file to make a lot of sense, but at least now it's available. I'm going to see if we can update the downloadable version. If you bought the DVD from PeachPit, this will be your only option unless the course has another print run.