Tag: event

This Wednesday, June 11, I'll be speaking at the downtown meetup of jQuery LA. I'll be showing a relatively simple jQuery filter that does something useful with images, and show how it can be converted into a plugin without a whole lot of hassle. Then you can take that plugin and reuse it on other projects more easily, and even distribute it through the jQuery plugins registry, your GitHub account, or wherever you like.


Last night, I spoke at a joint meetup of Hollywood WordPress and LA WordPress 101. I called it "Everything I Always Wanted to Know About WordPress (but only learned through experience)", but the main point was to give people who are new (or newish) to WordPress some tips and tricks on how to use it, and ways to proceed when they need to start customizing it.

This is my recording of the talk itself, basically a screencast of the slides. The organizers also shot video where you can see me, and if I get my hands on it, I'll update this post.

Download the slides here
